Der Geizige ist keinem gut, ihm selbst der Ärgste.

Der Geizige ist keinem gut, ihm selbst der Ärgste (The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself). Never blame systems for being responsible for your inabilities or poverty. You can change your status irrespective of “bad” systems: This is possible.

Böses mit Gutem vergelten

Böses mit Gutem vergelten (Return good for evil). “Make something good out of bad things that have happened to you”. No matter how bad some people treat you in life, pardon them and do good to them in return although this is a very difficult task to undertake. Emanuel Strauss

Bedenke das Ende

Bedenke das Ende (Whatever you do, act wisely, and consider the end). Emanuel Strauss

Know about Nature and God

Have some knowledge in natural sciences

Have some knowledge in natural science

Have some knowledge in natural sciences! As lights of the world, we need to have some knowledge in natural sciences in order to dominate the universe well.