Man is a dependent and intelligent Being


Since man is a created being (Genesis 1:26), he owes his existence to a higher authority, that is, God. Man cannot absolutely exist on his own or be independent of God. Although science and technology has discovered so much and it appears that man can be independent of God, it is not entirely true because there are still unlimited technologies to be discovered to make life more comfortable (but to make life independent of God is impossible). Furthermore, there are some unique things that science and technology may not have answers to because science and technology thrives on the five senses. However, beyond the senses (spirit realm), a lot of dynamics also happen and man needs to recognise this. These dynamics have greater impact on the five senses and physical world.

Man needs spiritual and physical support from God to survive. The very breath of man comes from God. “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring” (Acts 17:28). Jesus narrated a parable about a rich man in Luke 12:16-20. This man was so rich that he had no room to store his riches so he said to himself “…..  my soul, soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry. But God said unto him, thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee….” Man is a dependent and intelligent Being! The life we have takes its source from God. He has the power to give life and to take life- indeed, this is one of the attributes of God.

Man is an intelligent Being. He has the ability to reason, imagine, and give expression to his thoughts via the medium of language. This ability to speak puts man on a higher pedestal relative to animals who simply rely on instincts. The power of imagination and creativity is the bedrock of advances in science and technology. Back in the Garden of Eden, man was put in charge of the Garden to keep and dress it (Genesis 2:15). Any child of God who is not creative needs to re-examine himself or herself. Not being creative does not mean that that ability or gift (creativity) is not present. What it means is that, that ability or gift has not been exercised. Intelligence and creativity are inherent in every person and need to be exercised.

This is the conclusion on the topic- man is a dependent and intelligent Being. The source of our life (breath) is God Almighty and this makes us dependent on Him. Secondly, man is empowered to live an extraordinary life through the exercise of his intelligence (creativity). Let us all exercise the power of our intelligence to make the world a better place to live in. Stay blessed.
