


How to confront fear:

The feeling of fear will not go completely in our life so you have to confront fear. When you feel fear, keep on doing what you are supposed to do. You become a coward when you give in to fear. Fear prevents forward progress. Don’t lose your God given destiny just because you want to be comfortable now.

If you find comfort for your flesh, you will be miserable in your spirit. A lot of people are still in their miserable situation because of fear of the unknown. We were built by God for variety and freshness. We need to get over the fear of change. When we have fear, we always want to run from something that we should be confronting.

God wants us to be bold and courageous. Go forward on what God wants you to do. The promises of God are for whosoever wills and does what is required to be done. God always gives the strength to do what He asks us to do. Satan uses fear to control a lot of people. Fear is Satan’s perversion of Faith! When we fear, we believe more of what Satan says than what God says. It always works when you keep saying to yourself something that God says about you. One can feel fear but not be afraid. You don’t have to fear anything or anyone.

Confront your fear and you will succeed.

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