Discipline, confidence and building a better you




We learn the following from the video above titled- discipline, confidence and building a better you:

Evil can be driven out by focusing on and doing the right things in life.

Some good habits are: spending time with God and learning His word; the habit of thoughts and words; the habit of being decisive; healthy habits; happy habits; the habit of faith; the habit of excellence; the habit of being responsible and generous.

Having more does not really bring happiness- it is the quality and not the quantity of what you have.

When you lose your peace, you lose your power.

You can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. Many people are busy but are not ready to change anything.

Sometimes, because God is slow, people give up.

Seek peace and pursue it. The devil sets you up to get you upset. When you feel peace, it is the presence of God.

Self-pity does not move God. The time spent on self-pity can be used fruitfully doing some other useful things.

God is the one who repays your avengers. You are not supposed to hurt them.

Anger is destructive even to our health.

The confidence habit – you don’t have to feel confident to be confident. Our confidence is in Christ. Don’t put your confidence in your education, people you know or the environment you live in.
