Prayer for good health


Heavenly Father I thank you for the God-life which is at work in me. I also thank you for protection, care, provisions and direction. I thank you sincerely for the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. Your word says, in all things we should give thanks because all things work together for our good. Indeed, I worship you for who you are and praise you for what you have done in my life.

Father, your word says, that you wish above all things that I prosper and be in health, even as my soul prospereth (3 John 1:2). Therefore I declare and activate health in my body, soul and spirit. All my body cells, tissues and organs are in good health. I correct any anomalies in my genetic makeup and immune system. Disease has no place in my body because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Disease and the Holy Spirit cannot live together in my body. I walk in your word and as I do your word, I have life and health in my flesh (proverbs 4:22). I have sound mind and everywhere I go, I radiate health to people who are not well. I am a blessing to everybody I come into contact with and the whole world benefits from my God given abilities.

Thank you Father for answered prayer. Amen.

Let us here from you if this prayer works for you.  Prayer for good health is important for you. Stay blessed.
