
The revealed truths in the Good Book are represented by several symbols and these are worth discussing in order to appreciate the bible.

God’s word is likened to fire and hammer (Jeremiah 23:29). As one of its functions, fire burns unwanted materials therefore God’s work cleanses and purges anybody of anything unwanted.

God’s word is like a lamp (Psalm 119:105) that produces light. The Good Book also says that we are the light of the world and therefore we must shine. The word of God as lamp is that which will produce the light in us for us to shine and be a blessing to the whole world.

God’s word is like a mirror (James 1:23). As we look through the mirror of God, we are changed into that same image as we do the word. In fact, the bible reveals our true nature and what we are able to become in this world. We are admonished to be doers of the word and not hearers only.

God’s word is milk (1 peter 2:2). Any new born baby needs milk to grow. In the same way, any new born again person requires the milk of God’s word to grow in the new life in Christ. If a person refuses to take the milk of God’s word, maturity will be compromised. This results in unnecessary complains about what God has not been able to provide.

God’s word is like a rod (Revelation 11:1-2). A rod connotes a measuring instrument. The bible sets the standards for all matters related to faith and its practice. The importance of the bible is also revealed in the court of law as a measuring instrument.

The Good Book is like a seed (1 Peter 1:23; Luke 8:11; James 1:18). Like a seed, it produces life and has the potential of giving eternal life. Our responsibility is to yield to the word in our heart, be obedient to it and see ourselves flourish on earth and in the life to come.

God’s word is like a sword (Hebrews 4:12). It is sharp and two-edged. It separates the characteristics of the flesh from that of the spirit. We are advised to guard our hearts because out of it are the issues of life and not death.

God’s word is like water (Ephesians 5:26; John 15:3; Psalm 119:5,9). Water cleanses, refreshes and is a source of life. Man cannot live on earth without water. In the same manner, God’s word is the source of spiritual and physical life.

God’s word is like Gold (Psalm 19:7; Job 28:1; Proverbs 25:2). God’s word is a perpetual gold mine where one can dig treasures for life and become relevant in the world. One can discover more scientific solutions to the challenges of the world.

The Good Book is like honey and sweet to the spiritual taste buds (Psalm 19:10; Revelation 10:10). It gives hope to the hopeless.

God’s word is like a nail hanger (Ecclesiastes 12:11). Anything you hang on it is secured. You can trust the word of God and get the desired results.

God’s word is like bread (Matthew 4:4 Psalm 119:103; Isaiah 55:10). As the bread of life (John 6:35), God’s word is ever fresh and necessary for daily consumption and spiritual growth.

The Good Book is like an anchor (Hebrews 6:18-19). It always provides the support we need to surmount challenges in this world.

God’s word is like meat (Hebrews 5:14). It provides strength for the matured child of God.
