Truths about friends, family and finances




Truths about friends, family and finances:

Rabbi Daniel Lapin speaks on the topic -Truths about friends, family and finances. Below are some of the points (paraphrased) he made.

Times of technology breakthrough have been associated with wealth creation. Any element that allows human beings to connect to each other results in the blessings of everybody because this ensures service among each other. Great achievements come about when everybody gets involved.

Solitary confinement is not good- it can make one mad. One becomes totally disconnected when one lives in solitary confinement. It is not good for man to be alone!

Gold or money is a metaphor (symbol) for serving one another. One should not chase money but chase opportunities to serve people. One should always seek opportunities to serve and money will automatically follow. To serve people, you have to know them and they have to like you and trust you. Connect with people, do the things that will make them like you- in other words, be good to people. One has to be trustworthy so that people can trust you.

Not making enough money now means you are not serving enough people now. Serve more and you will earn more! Don’t forget to offer quality service!

The presence of a father in a house is very vital. Boys who grow up without a father in their life may end up doing bad things in society and girls born without a father may end up suffering the impact of the things done by those bad boys.

Everything that God asks us to do is for our own good. Always take some time off to thank people who have been a blessing in your life. One of the precipitators of success is being optimistic. An optimistic person is joyful and people would always want to be with him or her. On the contrary, a pessimist is a drainer: he or she spreads misery. It is a blessing to be married to an optimist. Expressing gratitude always is the secret of being optimistic.

In friendship, one is totally obligated.

To abide by this teaching, one needs to get the teachings into the heart and not only in the mind. To get the teachings into your heart requires repetition and commitment. Repetition means doing it over and over again till it becomes part of the heart. Commitment is doing the same thing over and over again with LOVE. To get committed to something may require investment.

Abiding by these truths will help in one’s quest to advance and make positive impact in life!

